
UX & Interface Design

Interactive Design Manifesto Paper


I've been involved in a number of job interviews (on both sides of the table) and reviewed a variety of job descriptions. It strikes me that there is not at all a consensus on what it is to do UX or be a UX/UI designer. Therefore I believe it behooves you as a student of this course and graduate of our program to be prepared to enter the workplace having thought through for yourself and based on our course material what all this means. Some companies you might consider will have a solid understanding of UX/UI and you will need to compare it with your understanding to ensure you're on the same page to adjust or help them further develop it. Other companies might not have a clue of what it is despite having jobs that aim to do it... you might be the first person coming with some background in related topics!


The Interactive Design Manifesto paper is a set of at least 5 principles you are taking away from this course that will guide you as you complete work in the field of interactive design (whether or not you actually plan to do work in this field). These points should address key takeaways from the span of the semester such as:

  • Principles of designing everyday things that relate in the interactive space (see Don Norman readings and first few weeks discussions).
  • Principles of contextual research and reporting findings (see Holtzblatt readings from first half of the course).
  • Process and layers of user-centered design (see Garret readings in the middle portion of the course).
  • Designing for humans beyond just usability (see Walter readings in last portion of the course).

We’ve covered a lot of topics, and I don’t expect every single one of them to be addressed. However, there are definitely large themes you should be certain to address. As you call out these key principles, be sure to use terms from the course and wherever possible cite related readings.

At least one of the principles should directly address a process you will use that follows some best practices covered in the course. There is not necessarily one right process, but a good baseline process should incorporate components covered in our course readings and discussions, and cover essential bases to ensure a successful product. It could be beneficially to also define "success" in this field.

Finally, as many principles as possible should also address how the principle is also informed or impacted by a Biblical perspective. Be sure to cite specific verses and/or additional readings that relate.

Generally, you should have an introduction and conclusion with your principles clearly enumerated or highlighted between. Consider something like this:

[Introduction/framing statement]

Principle 1: [short version]

[Principle 1 explanation with citations and verse references where practical]

Principle 2: [short version]

[Principle 2 explanation...]


[Conclusion/final statement]

This does not have to be a long paper; most quality submissions will be a complete two pages plus citations in the academic format of your choice. Be neat in your presentation and logical in your the flow of how you write the paper and cover the principles.

Submit the final paper as a PDF.